Others > Other > Other > .3Fast and convenient Sensor touch control single induction cooker 2000W
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.3Fast and convenient Sensor touch control single induction cooker 2000W

SKU: 823B8CBA-CD67-4F7B-A178-A5E40F2D2AE7
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  • 823B8CBA-CD67-4F7B-A178-A5E40F2D2AE7
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Product Details

Grade A black crystal plate and plastic housing allow it with different styles of silk-screen and spray painting in appearance, and with double insulation that give users enough security.The operation panel is bevel, more convenient for people siting around the table to operate. European style of function menu, faster and more convenient. It includes common functions like power, temperature, time adjustment, plus 8 shortcut keys of general cooking functions like water, stir-fry, hot-pot etc. which can better meet most families' needs. The blue lights give the product with sense of technology.

.3Fast and convenient Sensor touch control single induction cooker 2000W

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  • Volume : 0.0CBM/PCS
    Weight : 0.01KG/PCS
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