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SKU: 91ABC33C-BC51-4CBB-972C-7AB9F6828498
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  • 91ABC33C-BC51-4CBB-972C-7AB9F6828498
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Product Details

DEEBOT OZMO 900, Live Free Through Innovation Enter the world of household robotics with the DEEBOT OZMO 900. Featuring intelligent navigation, an integrated vacuum and mop cleaning system, and an auto-boost power ability, this robot is extremely efficient in solving your various cleaning needs. Mapping and Navigation TechnologyUsing Smart Navi™ 3.0 technology the DEEBOT scans your home and creates a visual map in the ECOVACS Home App which you can use to choose and customize the area you want cleaned. High-Efficiently Cleaning PathAfter scanning your home and generating the map, the DEEBOT automatically plans an efficient cleaning path that best suits your home environment. Following this systematic cleaning pattern, the DEEBOT provide your home with a more thorough clean. Virtual BoundaryTMDesignate which areas of your home you don't want the DEEBOT to go to. Integrated Vacuum and Mop CleaningCombining innovative OZMO™ mopping technology and powerful vacuum suction, the DEEBOT sweeps, vacuums and mops your floors to make them shine. Auto-Boost Suction PowerThe DEEBOT comes with innovative resistance sensor technology allowing it to auto-increase its suction power when cleaning carpets. Control DEEBOT, anytime, anywhereWith the ECOVACS Home App you can control and monitor your robot from anywhere: schedule a clean, monitor its status, start a new cleaning session and designate what areas you want cleaned, all with one simple, easy-to-use app.


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Product : DEEBOT OZMO 900
  • Volume : 0.0CBM/PCS
    Weight : 0.01KG/PCS
  •  -   -   - 

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